This volume collects the abstracts of the contributions to the International Conference on Nonlinear Operators, Differential Equations and Applications (ICNODEA), July 14-17, 2015, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
The Conference is periodically organized by the Department of Mathematics of Babeş Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The first edition, ICNODEA-2001, took place in September 2001 and enjoyed the participation of more than 80 mathematicians from 11 countries. The plenary lectures were delivered by V. Angelov, V. Barbu, T.A. Burton, C. Corduneanu, F.S. De Blasi, K.P. Hadeler, G. Isac, R. Jeltsch, N. Jităraşu, M. Megan, V. Radu, B. Ricceri, L. Simon, W.L.Wendland and T. Zamfirescu. The invited speakers in sections were: C. Avramescu, A. Bege, A. Buică, D. Butnariu, J-F. Couchouron, P. Jebelean, J. Karatson, M. Sofonea, M. Şerban and D. Trif.
Nu există recenzii până acum.